Butte Land Auction
Cropland ● Woods ● Lot
Auction Location: Our Master’s Chapel Fellowship Hall (Benton, Ohio)
SAT., AUG. 26 @ 10AM
Farm Located: ½ mi. southeast of Benton on Benton Rd., off Marion Melmore Rd.
Texas Twp., Sec. 25, Crawford County
TRACT 1: 32 Acres +/- of productive soils with all in crops – South side of Benton Rd.
TRACT 2: 40 Acres +/- of both cropland & woods. Tillable is north of Benton Rd. along Benton Rd. and back across creek.
TRACT 3: 5 Acres +/- of woods & vacant land with good view of creek below. If planning a house, make sure you do all your due diligence before auction.
Inspection: Fri., Aug. 11th (5-6pm)
TERMS: $15,000.00 down nonrefundable on tracts 1 & 2; $5,000.00 down nonrefundable on tract 3 due on auction day with balance due on or before Sept. 30, 2023. POSSESSION: After fall crop harvest. TAXES: Prorated. All announcements made auction day take precedent over ALL printed materials.
Vickie Lynn Butte, Owner
Douglas E. Walton, Broker, CAI, CES, Auctioneer
Darby J. Walton & Sam R. Baer, Auctioneers & Associates
227 W. Wyandot Ave., Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
Phone: 419.294.0007 ● Fax: 419.294.0296
Email: waltonauctionco@sbcglobal.net
Website: ucwaltonrealtyandauction.com
TERMS: $15,000.00 down nonrefundable on tracts 1 & 2; $5,000.00 down nonrefundable on tract 3 due on auction day with balance due on or before Sept. 30, 2023. POSSESSION: After fall crop harvest. TAXES: Prorated. All announcements made auction day take precedent over ALL printed materials.